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About Us

"Finding The Person Called Me” (FTPcM) is a movement that seeks to empower individuals to rise above their circumstances and equip them with the skills needed to chart a path to their dreams. Our mission is to help people UNCOVER their potential and guide them in REDIRECTING their lives so they can DO mighty works.


A friend I was helping to find work had asked me during a chat; two questions I thought was rather simple: "Do you know your strengths?" and "How did you get to know them?" Finding the Person Called Me (FTPcM) is the result of me helping my friend answer those questions. Because I had spent so much time seeking, asking and answering questions of myself, discovering my Strengths, I never considered that others might be on similar quests in trying to understand themselves and discover their strengths.

I also noticed that the stress of modern living, along with the breakdown of our value systems, had left a large number of people yearning for identity and purpose in life. Our thinking, the way we see ourselves, and our surroundings all have a part in how well we perform at work and in society. I believe all we are to be and can be lies within us and it’s the mission of Finding the Person Called Me to be the guide in UNCOVERING and equipping individuals towards a life full of meaning and purpose.


FTPcM was launched in February 2016 at Zenith University's Eagles Summit Africa. The first live show, titled "Finding the Person Called Me 3Day Affair," premiered in May of that year. Finding the Person Called Me for the Entrepreneur and Finding the Person Called Me for the Job Seeker were both launched that year.

Since then, several programs have been held in Accra, Ghana, including exclusive men's and women's editions. The Africa Internship Academy (a TEDx Accra initiative) embraced the program, and all their interns had to complete the FTPcM program before beginning their internships. Codetrain, Jobberman Job Fair, Customer Service Africa, Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, Empowerment Worship Center, Every Nation Ghana, Harvest Praise Ghana, and internationally at The Global Business Round-table; Future Leaders Summit in Cotonou have all taught hosted sessions of FTPcM.


1310+ lives touched

25+ programs run

2 countries: Ghana and Benin


“My journey to self-discovery began after my National Service. I had taken many jobs and intern- ships but deep within I was very unhappy. I discovered “FTPcM from a friend. A lot changed in my life from then. As a model I decided based on this self-discovery to become a beauty queen. I decided to go into a National Pageantry. During the competition, I stood more confident, cause I understood WHY I chose to be in the pageantry. Having clarity about what I wanted gave me a competitive urge over the other contest- ants. Today I am Miss Unique Ghana 2018”